Sunday, 11 September 2016

The School and Socialisation

The School and Socialisation

How the school performs the function of socialization.   through the curriculum, the school in a formal way provides the child with: Knowledge of basic intellectual skills such as reading, writing, verbal expression, quantitative and other cognitive abilities, Education teaches languages and allows people communicate with each other according to positions in society.
Cultural achievements of ones society. Opportunities to acquire social and vocational abilities which are necessary in order to make one a social, useful and economically productive member of the society. Gender roles as perceived as suitable roles by the society.
Educational systems socialize students to become members of society, to play meaningful roles in the complex network of independent positions.  Education helps in shaping values and attitudes to the needs of the contemporary society.  
Education widens the mental horizons of pupils and teaches them new ways of looking at themselves and their society.  
Education offers young people opportunities for intellectual, emotional and social growth. Thus education can be influential in promoting new values and stimulating adaptation of changing conditions.   Informally and especially through social clubs, the school enables the child to learn a number of other social roles and skills which are also important for his/ her overall development as a member of society.

For example;
Education teaches the laws, traditions and norms of the community, the rights that individuals will enjoy and the responsibilities that they will undertake.  
Education teaches how one is to behave toward his/ her play- mates and adults.  
Education teaches how to share things and ideas.   Education teaches how to compete responsibly   Schooling  teaches how to cooperate   Schooling instills the community's pattern of respect; thus how to relate to others well and obey rules.
Schooling enables one to intendize the culture of one's society.   Education leads toward tolerant and humanitarian attitudes. For example, college graduates are expected to be more tolerant than (high school graduates in their attitudes toward ethenic and social groups.

More points can be added

For more information

Contact us {+263779210440}

☆Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ☆-Albert Einstein

☆He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. ☆-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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