Friday, 9 September 2016

Genuine Pauline Letters (Apostolic Age)

Genuine Pauline Letters

These are undisputed Pauline epistles, undisputed in the sense that majority if not all well known New Testament Scholars are in agreement that these letters were written by Paul himself.

These letters are:
1 Thessalonians,
Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians,
Philemon, Philippians and Romans.

It is paramount to note that in the mid 60s and early 70s Colossians
was also listed among the genuine Pauline letters.
This was because this letter has some representation of Paul‟s ideology therefore they termed it “marginal” letter.
However, critical scholars such as R. Brown argue that 60% of Colossians  does not reflect Paul hence it is not a marginal but a Deutero Pauline epistle.
It was also observed that Colossians and Ephesians have a closer affinity in terms of contents which can be described as “synoptic problem”.
Be that may, scholarship is concurrence that Colossians is closer than Ephesians to Paul in terms of dating hence the writer of Ephesians might have copied Colossians.
It is crystal clear again that Ephesians is larger than Colossians therefore Ephesians might be an expanded version of Colossians.
2 Thessalonians also appear to be similar to these two in problems raised but the response is so different which made scholars to agree that the writer is a loner.
Colossians and Ephesians are dated between 70AD - 80AD – 90AD, but Pastoral letters are dated after 90AD.
Paul disappeared from scene around 60AD which made scholars unanimously agree that Pastoral letters were not in any way written by Paul.
Scholarship however concur that Pastoral letters were written by Paul's companions because they are in many ways in line
with Paul's thought patens

More points can be added

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☆It is not the answer which enlightens but the question☆ -author unknown

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