Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Lobengula and Colonization of Zimbabwe

To what extent did Lobengula contribute to the colonisation of zim

Qstn demands
To what extent did Lobengula contribute to the colonization of Zimbabwe

-What is colonization?
-Who was Lobengula?

I am of the view that Lobengula was more of a victim of circumstances in the colonization of Zimbabwe.
In as much as he was influenced into signing of Treaties that were used to colonize Zimbabwe like the famous Rudd Concession,  it is also undeniable that the colonization of Zimbabwe was masterminded by not only Cecil John Rhodes but with the Imperial force of the time- the British government. The documents of the British South Africa Company (BSAC) provides ample evidence to this notion.
Also imperative is that even Eurocentric writers like Tyndale acknowledge that Lobengula was rather a fly in the face of a Chameleon who was slowly waiting to be swallowed.
Again even ordinary chronicles of the accounts of Lobengula's relations with the Europeans is clear that he was 'tricked' therefore sustaining that it is to a limited extent that he contributed to the colonization of Zimbabwe.
Having said that  the geo-politics of the time demonstrate that one way  or the other the British were eager to divide and rule present day Zimbabwe.
It is no coincidence that events took shape the way they did when Lobengula was tricked by Europeans.
The colonization of Zimbabwe has to be seen in the broader context of the global factors  which were @ stake like after the fantasies of Europeans of finding the 2nd rand or the Eldorado with hopes which were put towards the north (present day Zimbabwe)

More information can be added.

Afrocentric view and interpretation of the question.

Feedback email bmaregedze@gmail.com

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★Those without history are on the edge of madness-author- unknown★

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