Thursday, 1 September 2016

King Louis xvi and the discontented groups in France from 1789-1793.

European History Advanced level Revision

With Brian Maregedze

Why was Louis XVI not able to satisfy the grievances of the discontented groups in France from 1789 to 1793?


The key issue is an assessment of the reasons for the failure of Louis XVI to solve the problems being faced by different groups.
The answer should be aware of the time frame given in the question i.e. 1789 – 1793.

Reasons why Louis XVI failed to satisfy the discontented groups.

a) The situation in France had already deteriorated when Louis XVI came into office. The French treasury had been exhausted by his predecessors. France was in financial constraints. The system of government was already in decadence.

b) Personal weaknesses of Louis XVI – He lacked firmness especially during the Stats-Generax meeting of 1789. His actions from 1789-1793 e.g. the dismissal of Necker, his flight to Varennes, all acted against him.

c) The influence from his wife Marie Antoinette exacerbated the situation.

d) He faced opposition from the nobles and the clergy

e) Influence from the outside e.g. some other aristocratic regimes and émigrés-he thought that he was backed by counter-revolutionaries hence he implemented policies which were clearly against the revolutionaries.

f) The financial position of France-Louis had no money to satisfy everyone, he was in financial constraints-the American war of independence, extravagance of the court, his wife, his predecessors, had all contributed greatly this failure.

g) Naturally, Louis XVI hated the revolution and this made him not to sympathize with the revolutionaries.

h) The revolutionary spirit in the people’s minds had grown considerably

i) The role of the ‘Parlement’ of Paris in thwarting any meaningful reforms by Louis
XVI. This ‘Parlement’ refused to register support to make valid the king’s edicts.

j) His position as absolute monarchy was so closely bound up with the privileged classes that if their privileges were broken his own position could have been threatened.

More points can be added

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