Monday, 5 September 2016

Essay Introduction Sample: European History, French Revolution

"Louis xvi's blunders contributed to the outbreak of the French Revolution". How valid is this assertion

Louis xvi's blunders relates and or refers to the errors, flaws, wrong decisions as well as miscalculations made in an attempt to address and curb the financial crisis in France.  Some of the blunders made by Louis xvi as the absolute King of France include the involvement of the French troops in the American war of independence, firing able finance ministers, demonstrating indecisiveness on the taxation issue among others. However, it has to be observed that other factors which were within France contributed directly or indirectly to the outbreak of the French revolution such as the Influence of French Philosophers, the poor harvests of 1788-9 to mention only these among many. Hence, this essay seeks to analyse the validity  of the above assertion.

About the Writer

Brian Maregedze is a Zimbabwean  Christian Historian-essayist and independent researcher.

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☆It is not the answer which enlightens but the question☆- author unknown

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