Thursday, 1 September 2016

History Essay writing @ Advanced level

Advanced Level History Essay Writing Tips

Experience from a Historian and Essayist [Brian


It is vital to know and understand that as an
Advanced level History student its not enough to
memorise hostorical quotations, assertions without
mastering essay writing. Essay writing is a must skill to
be mastered for it is in writing that one will get all
those necessary excellent grades (points).
●Today, the writer is more interested in addressing
that part of essay writing which is disturbing
academically to a number of students which is the
●It is indeed true that the first cut is the deepest in
essay writing, giving an organised accurate articulation
of points to be addressed about the question under
● How do l write an exceptional introduction?
Candidates usually have a hard time on this part.
● What is the proper length of an introduction? Should
l write 10 pages, more or less to have an effective
As a rule, students should make it a point to brainstorm
their work before writing.
Establish the problem: Quickly established the issue your
essay confronts. Where and when are we? What are we
It is especially important to clearly define the limits of
your exploration. If you are discussing the life of
Napoleon Bonaparte it will not suffice to establish the
setting by referring to the "days of dictatorship," since
dictatorships have existed in all times all over the
world. Napoleon Bonaparte was aguably regarded as a
moderate dictator, whilst other historians viewed him
as the Saviour of France from 1799-1814. Hence the
need to clarify on conceptualisation of dictatorship/s
in relation to the individual under study rather than to
Do not begin a history paper with absurdly general
phrases like, "since the beginning of time," or "humans
have always. . . ." Get as specific as necessary as early
as possible. Set the tone, voice, and style of your essay.
Make sure you convey that the topic is of vital concern,
and that you are interested in it. Catch the reader's
attention. You might start with an example, a
quotation, a statistic, or a complaint. Be sure that this
opening theme runs through your paper. Do not
abandon this theme. You can use it again later to help
unify your essay.

More tips can be added.

For more information

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