Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Regional and International History Advanced Level : Specimen  Paper 2



General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

HISTORY 6006/2


Additional material:

Answer paper

TIME 3 hours


Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper.
Answer four questions from at least three of Sections A – E.
Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided.
If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together.


This paper consists of 20 questions.
Each question in this paper carries 25 marks.
You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers.

Section A

1. To what extent was Samouri Toure’s empire created and preserved by military means?
2. How far was the failure to obtain a substitute the main obstacle to the abolition of Slave Trade in West Africa?
3. Evaluate the importance of the House System in the Niger Delta States.
4. ‘The colonisation of Africa in the last quarter of the nineteenth century was an attempt to avert an impending political crisis in Europe.’ Do you agree?

Section B

5. How far did economic suffering by the Third Estate in the period to 1789 precipitate the French Revolution?
6. ‘A period of unnecessary and indiscriminate violence.’ To what extent is this true of the reign of terror in France?
7. Assess the impact of Napoleon Bonaparte’s domestic reforms on the French people.
8. To what extent was Napoleon I’s foreign policy dependent on the army?

Section C

9. ‘Each nation for itself and God for us all.’ To what extent did this British policy contribute to the collapse of the Congress System?
10. Discuss the assertion that Charles X’s rule in France was ‘vindictive and retrogressive.’
11. Examine the view that the papacy was the main obstacle to Italian unification in the period 1830 – 1871.
12. How valid is the assertion that Bismarck prioritised Prussian supremacy and interests in his policies up to 1870?

Section D

13. ‘A one-sided and vindictive treaty.’ Do you agree with this comment on the treaty of Versailles?
14. To what extent did Stressmann’s policies delay Hitler’s ascendance to power in the period 1924 to 1930?
15. Assess the impact of Mussolini’s domestic policies on the Italian people between 1922 and 1940.
16. How far was the policy of Appeasement the main cause of the outbreak of World
War II?

Section E

17. To what extent did Tsar Nicholas II’s participation in the First World War lead to the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in 1917?
18. Peasant support was key to the Chinese Communist party’s rise to power by 1949?
19. Examine the view that Stalinism caused more harm than good in Russia in the period
1924 - 1953.
20. How effective was the United Nations Organisation (UNO) as a peacekeeping body from the late 1940s to the mid 1980s?

6006/2 Specimen paper 2018

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