Monday, 11 December 2017

Economic History-A Degree to Pursue

Economic History- A Degree to Pursue

By Brian Maregedze

A number of humanities,arts candidates at Advanced level struggle in deciding which programme/s to pursue for their tertiary studies. Today's blog post offers students, parents, among other interested parties to learn and understand that there are many opportunities to exploit. What is Economic History? What are its demands and career opportunities available in Zimbabwe and beyond? The foregoing lines shall assist in responding to all these questions.

University of Zimbabwe

Honours Degree
in Economic History
Defining Economic History:
   >Economic History is the study and understanding of economic processes from both the recent and distant pasts

Duration of programme:
4 years
Entry Requirements

Normally the applicant must obtain a Pass in ‘A’ Level Economic History, or History, Sociology, Geography or Economics and any other subject approved by the Board.
Applicants with either a post ‘A’ Level relevant qualification or with relevant work experience may be admitted with approval of Senate.

Potential Job Market

A  graduand in Economic History is an informed economic analyst trained to interpret from an economic vantage point. For this reason, Economic Historians are  eligible for employment in the following sectors

Ministries and government departments engaged in Economic Planning, Industrial development, Labour issues, Agriculture, Mining etc
NGO Sector
Banking sector as an economic advisor/planner/analyst
International organisations and corporations such as SADC, the AU, UN and their Subsidiaries.
Ministry of Education – Economic History has recently been introduced into the secondary/high school education system
Good students in Economic History get scholarships in post-graduate studies with international universities and become employed as academics with prestigious institutions.

Facts about the Department of
Economic History, UZ

The Department of Economic History is housed under the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zimbabwe.
In Zimbabwe, Economic History is offered as a stand-alone Degree only at the country’s prestigious University of Zimbabwe
The Department has Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with Lund University, Sweden and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, which allow for student and Lecturer exchange programmes between universities.
MOU’s with local organisations have been signed to help students access industrial attachment smoothly.
The Department boasts of many of its products who are academics and professionals in prestigious institutions
Students in the Department are trained to be alert and critical economic thinkers.
The Department has vibrant academic engagements through seminar presentations held at least twice monthly during the semester. Local and international presenters participate in these seminars.
The Department is affiliated to an international organisation called Rethinking Economics (RE) through its members who are part of Economic Thinkers (ET) – ZimChapter, a local branch of RE. RE finances local events such as workshops and conferences.
Economic History gives you the best of two worlds i.e. Economics and History and allows for flexibility and greater opportunities from these worlds.

The Mandate of the Department of Economic History

To be the number one department in producing well-rounded graduate that are critical economic thinkers.
To be internationally recognised as one of the best departments in African and International Economic History.
To be an economic think tank for the country, the continent and the world at large.
To contribute positively towards the economic planning and development of the country.

Highlights of courses offered in the Programme:

Introduction to Economic History

Introduction to Research Methods in Economic Studies

Theories and Concepts of Development

Introduction to Gender in Economic History

Development of Economic Thought                                       

Economics for Economic Historians

Economic History of the Developing World                                  

Industrialisation of the First World

The Zimbabwean Pre-colonial Economy                                                    

Women in Pre-colonial Societies   

Sustainability and Economic Development

Historiography of the Zimbabwean Economy

Wealth, Poverty and Inequality

Slavery and Slave Trade in the World

Histories of Labour Policies in Africa

Development and Livelihoods in the Third World

Intermediate Research Methods: Concepts And Techniques

The Zimbabwean Economy Since 1965

Gender and the Labour Market

Labour Movements: Comparative Studies

Food Security: A Comparative Study

Natural Resources and Economic Development in the Third World

Economic Crises and Crisis Economies

Business History of Africa

Advanced Seminar Series: Development of Industry & Mining

Advanced Seminar Series on Land and Environment

Advanced Seminar on Gender

Rural and Urban Development in Africa

Banking History of Africa

Religion and Economic Development

Migration and Development in Africa

Economic Co-operation in Africa

For more information contact us on:

Department of Economic History
University of Zimbabwe
P O Box MP167, Mt Pleasant, Harare
Tel:          +263 4 303211 Extn: 14064/5
Cell:    +263 772 584 701
Email.    econhist@arts,

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