Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Introductions & Conclusions in Essay Writing 'A' level

Introductions & Conclusions in Essay Writing

It is worth noting that a number of candidates at Advanced level may not only know various scholarly views on a particular topic but they can even retell orally their readings. However, the critical challenge is how to express all ideas in writing so as to get the required grades. The following points are vital for one to excel in History, Divinity, Family & Religious Studies as well as Sociology essay writing.

The introduction typically serves several functions which include;
-to set the tone of the paper. When writing your introduction it is imperative to remember that you will be not only introducing your argument but also yourself
-identify and limit your subjects. You tell the reader what you are writing about & define the scope of your inquiry.
-orients the reader by explaining specific concepts, contexts & rational for your argument.
-there should be a presentation of the central argument of your topic question
-there is engagement with the reader to persuade him/her to continue reading


-Like introductions, conclusions bring central ideas into focus
-they make your reader feel that the argument has fully achieved the goals you have set out in the introduction.
-in the conclusion the reader must feel convinced by your argument.
-conclusions typically include an element of summary

More information can be added.

For feedback
Call/app +263779210440
Brian Maregedze
Or email; bmaregedze@gmail.com

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