Sunday, 23 October 2016

Commitment to your goals

You’re a “public speaker”? Ok, what impactful speech are you writing or giving today?

You’re an “entrepreneur”? Awesome, how are you actively solving a real-world problem with your business, right now?

You’re a "leader”? Interesting -- are you actively, right now in this moment, helping other people become better

You’re an “author”? That’s pretty cool --- what are you writing this afternoon?

You are a student? Wonderful----What are you doing everyday that exibit your commitment  to your studies?

Titles don’t matter because titles don’t produce value. If anything, they prevent value from being created because they allow ego to get in the way of real accomplishment.  Even if titles did mean something, you’d still only deserve a title that fits what you’re doing and who you are in the present moment.

Show your commitment to your goals everyday

#,  motivational

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