Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Learning Factory: studying History and modern technology

By Brian Maregedze

To those studying History at advanced level, there is a way of learning History using the most convenient way made possible. Manners Msongelwa, the current president for the Zimbabwe History Teachers Association now disseminates History notes using portable CDs.

The CDs are currently sold at $3.00 only. The eloquent teacher, Manners Msongelwa a.k.a Mr Muso as he is popularly known, offers insightful analysis on Regional and International Affairs topics. Using social media platforms such as WhatsApp and YouTube, it is easy to follow up Mr Muso’s History lessons.
Multi-media based instruction can be efficient and effective for three reasons (Issa, Cox & Killingsworth, 1999):
It is self-paced learning: the individualized pace of the learning allows students to break down the group instructional setting, which often inhibits some people’s natural progression (West & Crook, 1992).
It includes autonomy in the learning process: self-regulated instruction shifts the sense of responsibility from the instructor to the student and
It includes video/audio production, enhancing a learner’s interaction with the course material through less bridging effort between the learner and the information being processed.

Learning from a professional teacher is always engaging and this is different from any other source of information found on social media. Mr Muso is a game changer in the learning of History at advanced level.

For information, I encourage History teachers and students, as well as those with passion for History as a subject to Call/App +263 717 453 073 or +263 717 453 080. Web: www.study.co.zw or email; info@learningfactory.co.zw

Brian Maregedze is a Research Associate with Leaders for Africa Network (LAN), a Pan African think tank. Professional membership: Zimbabwe Historical Association (ZHA). Feedback, email: bmaregedze@gmail.com